socially awkward wallflowergenius mechaniclowkey badass...


Keiko'li Ke Mei Ogasawara is the daughter of Ke'rii Ogasawara, and came to Eorzea with her aunt Mei, the Queen of Adorus, in what was believed to be a rescue mission for her father. With a troubled childhood in her past, Keiko is very socially awkward, but a bit of genius when it comes to mechanics.


Keiko is slender and strong and has severe scarring across her face from hardships endured during a devastating invasion that happened back on her home world. She has brown eyes and light brown hair that is usually pulled into a tight bun.


The Yuzhi Ming is a tradition that dates back hundreds of years for members of the Ogasawara family where Mother and Father would travel to the Cave of Life, hidden deep within the treacherous mountains of Owanatana on Adorus. With their unborn (or born) child, the parents would present their child to the Three Elders (Guoqu, Dangxia, and Weilai), who would offer them a Yuzhi Ming (or 'gift name'). The Three Elders are said to predict the child's past, present and future. To receive the Yuzhi Ming is seen as acceptance into the bloodline of the Three.Keiko never formally received her Yuzhi Ming due to war time hardships when she was given to her father at the age of ten. Still wishing to embrace her father's side of her heritage, she and her father chose her new name, including her Yuzhi Ming: Mei, which translates to Basic as "beautiful", and is also named after her aunt.


Keiko is a tom-boy and is not afraid to get dirty in some engine grease. She is obedient, intelligent and proactive. She's not afraid to speak her mind and call things how she sees it. She has a thirst for life and knowledge.


Technology, technology and... technology. She enjoys taking apart any and every mechanical device that she can (allowed to or not) just to see how it works or how it can be improved. Learning about engines of all kinds. Studying maps (of the stars, lands or oceans, etc.) and learning.


Name: Keiko'li Ogasawara
Server: Jenova
Species/Gender: Human/Female
Age: 19/20
Height: 5'
Relationship status: Single
Birthplace: Coruscant
Current Residence: Shirogane
Occupation: Princess of Adorus, Lieutenant (The Queen's Royal Navy, Adorus), Junior Astrographer


I am known as Mei-mei (she/her), and have been roleplaying since 2012. My first roleplay experience was in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Before that, I started to write 'seriously' (for fun!) beginning in 1999 (I'm sure I just dated myself there). I have experience writing comedy, romance, action, and drama. And I especially LOVE world building.I enjoy an immersive roleplay vs. light/casual. I really like to tell stories and work on character development. I also like organic story telling, meaning I go with the flow of how my character speaks to me. And if something with my character can be done in-game, I'm all for it rather than just "assuming" it happened and everyone moves on.TL;DR - I want to RP 24/7 if I could. Immersively.Note: I am not my characters. They have their own opinions, thoughts and personalities. I keep OOC out of my roleplaying.

Feel free to contact me on discord: meimei.onlineOr email:
[email protected]

The OOC on Keiko'li
Keiko'li comes from Star Wars: The Old Republic, and was a supporting character with roughly 5 years of in-character roleplay history backing her. I am keeping her history from that world, though I am NOT roleplaying the world of Final Fantasy XIV as Star Wars. If this poses an issue for you, then that's perfectly fine and we are not meant to be roleplay pals.
Final Fantasy XIV Lore
I am not good with lore for FFXIV. I'm trying to learn as I go, so I design my characters with my weaknesses in mind. All my RP characters are not originally from the world of FFXIV, but I do not roleplay as if FFXIV is another world.
My Roleplay Characters
If you happen across any of these characters, you've found me!

Ke'rii OgasawaraJenova/GilgHe/HimMarried/Straight
Alara OgasawaraJenovaShe/HerMarried/Straight
Mei'li BluedarkJen/Sarg/AdaShe/HerMarried/Straight
Keiko'li OgasawaraJenovaShe/HerSingle/Straight
Carina Hart (Rageborn)Gilg/Sarg/AdaShe/HerMarried/Straight

Roleplay Goal
To find a community of serious, yet fun, roleplayers to tell stories with and make friends in-character and out. I am an immersive roleplayer, so 99% of the time I am up for roleplaying. Please do not hesitate to approach me in-character (even without the Roleplay tag on).
Roleplay Preferences

Account Note:Keiko'li is a free account alt of mine and therefore cannot send friend requests, respond to /tell messages, initiate parties or be traded items.
RP Style:Heavy immersive RP. If we can avoid OOC chatter in the middle of a scene, I'm happy (unless for consent/warning reasons of course). I use prose form often in /em. /say is for quick "Hey! How are ya?" dialogue (and YES, I use quotations for ALL dialogue). I'm also comfortable in party or tell chats for more private conversations. Obviously the /em descriptive writing is adapted for /party or /tell. I very much prefer the use of third-person POV when roleplaying. Saying something like "I wave to you", just feels uncomfortable and can kill a scene for me.
Patience:I'm a slow typer if I'm trying not to make typos. So please be patient and allow time to respond.
Age:I prefer to roleplay with adults. No minors please.
OOC:I will mark any out-of-character comments with (( )). For example: "Good to see you again, please sit with me." ((Phone BRB!))
RP Group Size:I am most comfortable in smaller numbers and quieter settings.
Relationships:I do romance roleplay very selectively. In the case of Keiko'li she is not interested in romantic relationships, struggling enough with friendships as it is. On any character, I am very open to friendships, bromance, enemies, frenemies, business partners, etc. The more connections, the more immersion!
Death:No thanks.
Violence/Combat:I'm a bit sensitive to violence, so I tend to avoid violence or even combat RP. However, with trusted RP partners it is a possibility.
Injuries:Must be discussed.
Rating:I am an adult, so I am open to most RP from light and funny to mature content and even difficult/controversial topics. But consent is key! I am very sensitive, and this goes back to my violence topic above, to sexual assault. This does not mean my characters can't discuss it (I'd prefer not to be the victim of it), but please give me a heads up warning. Communication is key, so /tell and let me know (in the particular case of Keiko, she is on a free account so sending a party invite will have to do as free accounts cannot send /tells). My character's are also not saints and will swear, sometimes a lot. If you do not like this, then please let me know and I will tame it down for you.
Dice Rolls:I am not a huge fan of this. Usually will only /random or /dice if in combat roleplay, but this is NOT a very smooth RP style for me. But I understand its need when in combat situations, but sometimes I may disagree with a roll if it doesn't fit my character's abilities. I RP in a "freestyle" manner rather than with technical numbers.
Real World:When I roleplay, the things of our world do not exist. Memes, social media, pop culture, etc. I keep ALL these things OUT of my roleplay as they do not exist in the world where my characters exist. As an immersive RPer, bringing up things like this totally breaks the mood and will kill a scene for me.
Please Don'ts:Nothing breaks immersion more for me than "Hey, how are you today? :)". How do you say :) in language? "Hey, how are you? smilie face"? Please avoid the smilie faces, "LOLs", and what not. I like my RP partners to have good grammar (dialogue excluded if for in-character reasons of course), punctuation, and spelling. That said, I'm also Queen Typo, so spelling errors are totally excused.
Godmodding:If you "godmod" my character, meaning you make a motion or movement or say my character has said or done something and I did not post it first, I'm not happy. My characters are for me to control, not you. For example: You say /em says "Hey!" to Keiko and she gives a kiss. EXCUSE ME? No she didn't! Please don't do this, its in poor taste.
Metagaming:Metagaming is when you know something about my character OOCly and then turn it into in-character knowledge without your character being told. I can't stand this. Either we RP a scene where you learn said information or I just stop talking to you OOCly.